
The Writers' Exchange is a community that supports under-resourced kids and youth to build their confidence and get excited about reading, writing and their own potential!


All kids will grow up with the power to make their own choices, achieve anything and be happy.


We value the voices of the kids, youth and families who we work with, and we celebrate and share the work that the kids create in our programs. Having confidence with reading and writing gives kids and youth a greater ability to be heard, and to share their thoughts, feelings and knowledge. That’s why everything we do is always: 

  • fun 

  • physically and emotionally safe for all 

  • and overflowing with positive and encouraging people 

We don’t just work with our community, we are a part of it. And as a member of that community, we promise: 

  1. To always be an anti-racist, anti-oppression, decolonial ally. 

  2. To build trusting, long-term relationships with kids, youth, their families and their communities. 

  3. To listen to and partner with our community to guide our work. 

  4. To remove barriers to participation. 

  5. And to always follow through on what we say we will do. 

Every year over 350 under-resourced kids complete creative literacy projects and receive individualized attention from literacy volunteers to boost their reading, writing and self-confidence. All Writers' Exchange programs are FREE for the kids, youth and families we serve, so we could not exist without the help of amazing volunteers and generous donors.